Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Saturday, 11 August 2012

An offer - of sorts

Today went to the annual Vale Square party - where we meet lots of interesting people, get drunk with them, swear undying love and see them again next year.  On this occasion we met a couple we've met before - and I discovered that she is a publisher - is setting up her own publishing company,,, would like to see my book. On the one hand, I feel I ought to be jumping for joy - but I am feeling a bit wary - she's a very new publisher... doesn't have much of a track record - how would she promote my book etc.?  Still, I'm sending her the pdf... and see how she likes it.   I'm not entirely sure of the etiquette - given that the Agent has the work... but I suppose I can't do it any harm... if she wants to make me an offer, and no one else does?   It's not as though we've got into a sort of rights fight over it yet...

Have had the awful cynical thought that having a publisher - however small - "interested" in the work - means that there's a sort of bargaining chip... well, it's all good anyway.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


I am having a hard time finding time/'energy to write at present.  We are sort of having a summer holiday - which is nice.  But I am also working hard (gardening for money, and housing students and BnB guests) as well as doing (or worrying about not doing) stuff for the Summer Squall festival - in Ramsgate on 25th-27th August.

So occasionally I have a little write on 17 Years, but my heart isn't really in it.   I am also feeling a bit heavy hearted about reading a friend's unpublished novel - I wasn't until I noticed she hadn't taken any notice of the editorial suggestions I made last time... which made me wonder if she'll take any notice this time.  I think I'll have to speed read it and get it back with some general observations.  But really, I should be doing things for the festival and not worrying about any of this.