Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


OK - I am meant to be having a sabbatical from the blog while I re-write, re-shape, restructure the novel.   I started from scratch again yesterday afternoon and have written, edited and imported a total of 30,000 words.   And now I'm stuck.  I know what the Agent suggested, and I approve of it - but I'm not quite sure where to go next. 

I'm still a bit stuck about persons... I started with a bit of first, but I've veered back to 3rd... part of me thinks, if I just write, then I can edit at the end and it will all come right.... that's probably true... at the moment we're ending up with two parallel narratives - what's happening to Lucy in adult life from 2000 ish - with her reminiscences and writing about the past.... maybe this will provide a good structure... I just can't be sure.   I think the fact is that she will start in a loveless marriage - and end in a good relationship and will have decided not to settle for less than enough.... a personal romantic liberation...this makes a good story.   I can deal with the details later.

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