Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Monday, 15 April 2013

Synopsis hell

That's where I've been today.

I started with some ideas of how the synopsis tells the story (i.e. the emotional engagement) not the plot.  Then I read a vast amount of stuff about it on Ms Snark (which is a wonderful blog, sadly discontinued), then  I started writing the bloody thing.   It's nearly 1,000 words (industry standard in USA) and it managed to do a lot of things she suggests, and I think it tells the story.  But what do I know?  Does it make it sound attractive?  Well, I think it is more interestingly written than some of the offerings sent to the Snarkblog...

Whenever I write a synopsis I start thinking about things that I want to say in the book that I haven't been explicit enough about - so I am about to do and do some more re-writing - maybe not today, but perhaps tomorrow.   I really don't want to have any more worries about the story when I send it out... don't want to be re-writing and pissing about while agents beat a path to my door (hollow laugh).

I am taking copies of my synopsis and Page 1 (that 2 agent double-spaced pages) with me to the London Book Fair.  I don't have any appointments, but I am hoping to get somewhere, somehow and maybe hand out a couple of these things.  I notice there are strict injunctions against canvassing and leafletting... so better not take too many.

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