Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Monday, 15 July 2013

Another submission

Today I spent the whole morning doing and undoing and re-doing tasks connected with the financial side of my life, so that by 3.00pm I was determined to do a submission.  I then decided I was pretty fed up with topping and tailing my usual "correct" submission letter.  So I wrote another slightly more freeform, mad one... it certainly gives them a flavour of me.  I submitted to a well-known international agency and actually received a confirmation that they had received it.  I am becoming increasingly paranoid about the agencies I have submitted to through their on line processes who have not replied... but maybe they just don't bother.  Perhaps they'll all get in touch tomorrow asking for a full read... ha!

One of the agents at this agency said she liked books with exotic settings - I wondered whether Ramsgate would seem exotic to US readers?  Or maybe she was just a closet Mills and Boon fan... there is a bit of an exotic setting: several pages set in Kinshasha...  Anyway, I achieved another submission.  Wonder if I can fit one more in tomorrow before I go out?

The house is now full of students, my father-in-law has been sent to the flames, and theoretically I could concentrate on getting on with the Conscience re-write...but I feel a couple of submissions before the summer hols will not go amiss.  And then if there's no response, I can start sending out Conscience again.Sooner or later, some other agent will want a full read...

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