Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Growth of the new Idea

Since I last wrote I have had TAG rejected by an agent, pas grand chose, but the reason "we are finding publishers do not want WW1 novels, however beautifully written" was rather devastating.   It does not mean I will give up submitting - I plan to do several submissions tomorrow. However, it does leave rather a large question mark over the validity of writing another novel in the sequence just now.

I understand that publishers have long lead-in times and might have got their lists in line already.   However, this may be an opportunity to refine my submissions strategy... stressing that it is set in 1916 etc.  so perhaps getting them to focus on the whole centenary - presumably the commemorations will be lasting 4 years, not just this year.

 This week has been "blighted" by teaching - which has been remarkably exhausting.  I am hoping I will be more in the swing of it by next week and will start to fit writing into the schedule.

The new idea was run by the rejecting agent (she was given a choice of 2 ideas and asked which she thought might be most commercial)... I ran the plot past a 3 friends, 2 writers and a reader and it's getting a broad thumbs up, so, providing I can do a bit of research and really get on with it, I think it may be a goer.  Do I dare write about dim chavish blokes?  Why not?  I've met a few... and perhaps sharpening up and becoming a bit more responsible is part of his story... I'm actually quite excited about it - even if the plot hasn't quite worked.

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