Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Monday, 9 June 2014

GATD update

I am still slogging on - agent or no agent, I will need more product in due course.... funny to think that this is a project I hadn't even considered in January.  The whole thing is about 1/3 through at 33,000 words - and stlll going - today was less of a struggle, I force myself to write - and then I do.  Good ideas come along and more or less fit with the outline I've done.  I'm not sticking to it religiously - for example I've changed my mind about how to deal with the supervised child contact a couple of times - it's not that important.

I feel quite happy about it, but I yearn for more time to do it. The next week or so is going to be frantic.   Never mind - I had given myself a purely arbitary deadline... I hope to finish it before we go away in August. A lot of things are likely to happen before that though - which will be time-consuming.

I wanted to find a Darren like picture and put it here - but the only Darrens I could find were either ludicrously good looking, incredibly geeky or rather middle-aged - the nearest I could find was a bit of low-life who is temperamentally closer to Steve probably - because he's a murderer... but I'm putting him here anyway.

He's dark and skinny and a bit rough looking - he would probably look better in other circumstances - he has the essential elements of Darren, but he does look rather mean, and my Darren doesn't and isn't.  

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