Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Thursday, 14 August 2014

On my break

It is now the middle of August:  I have been resting for 2 weeks approx - after finishing GATD there was my cousin's funeral - and the horror and emotion of everything that happened there.   I relaxed by just seeing friends, getting drunk, cooking food, making jam, and washing sheets for the continuous round of visitors we have had since then.   It has not been a time for kicking back and reading - nor have I written anything on the Last Things project.

I have not touched GATD - but I have had one or two satisfactory experiences of seeing "Darren" around the place - giving his kids instruction and support... wonderfully vindicating.  I didn't just make him up, these blokes exist.

However, the fact is, that I don't want to sit around and read - and I am finding it hard to settle to a book.  I fear I am going to be reading Antonia Fraser's The Loves of Louis XIV because it's nice and easy.

I am also full of ideas for revising TRF (groan) - I think there were a lot of good things in the original versions, and I want to get those back somehow.  I also think maybe (and there is of course an IRL reason for this) that I want to change the ending - he goes back to his wife, and stays with her... and she concludes her meditations on love.... BUT then I suspect that we would worry about whether the story is "too slight" - or does she push him under a train... 

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