Today I am still slightly in Limbo... first I can't do submissions until I get the full text back, secondly I suddenly started doing a bit of a new novel - working title "An Instant Dislike". My mojo went awol for a few days, for health reasons, but has mercifully returned A sunny day works wonders. So, having done 4,000 words of An Instant Dislike over two days, I went out this morning, to Spanish, then we went into town because it was a lovely sunny day and we had a couple of cheques to pay in. And then it was nearly lunchtime - so we had a small lunch at the Arches bar, and a small glass of rose (first of the season!).
Then we came home and walked up the dreaded Jacob's Ladder - it killed me, but I did it. Then I felt inspired and gardened for about half an hour in the sunshine. Feel much, much better. Where is the writing coming in? No, there was no writing today. I got into a completely frivolous correspondence with my editor about who would play various parts in the film of TMoF - we have already cast Connor - Sylvain Dieuaide (left) and Tadgh - Theo Cholbi (below).

We have basically agreed that Olivia Coleman would be nice for Deirdre, although perhaps too nice? And Jeremy Irons would be OK for Philopoemen. Suddenly I realise that there are quite a lot of good meaty parts, and why the hell am I not (a) working on the script and (b) working on The Ash Grove or (c) writing another 2,000 words of An Instant Dislike (which doesn't get italicised because it is a whim rather than a book at present). But today has just been one of those slightly larky, chatty self indulgent days that have to happen occasionally in one's life. So I should just enjoy it, and I have, and try and do some serious work tomorrow.
Also, it is of course St. Patrick's day today, so I'm allowed to do something frivolously Irish. It has just occurred to me, why did the Church chose 17th March to be St. Patrick's? In the old calendar would it have fallen around the vernal equinox (which may have had pagan significance?).
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