Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

A small shift in the pack ice?

This week I have had two interesting things happening, well three actually.  I received an email from an agent who I had sent a query to nearly 8 weeks ago, asking to read my "chapters" because she said she was "trying to avoid the genre" but "couldn't resist" my offer.   How lovely.  The chapters went back by return click.

On the same day an Irish publisher sent me a rather confusing email.  It said that they were full up currently but I could send it again next year, when I'd continued to edit it.  This wasn't a guarantee of publication, only that I could go through the process again.     I asked them to clarify what they meant, so they sent me a longer email, suggesting I try the Mercier Press, which don't take unagented books, but I could send them a query letter.

Meanwhile I had been negotiating with an editor about giving the book a critical read and giving me some notes... but she wanted £450 - paid in advance, so I will wait and see what the agent says and then perhaps get it done.  I don't know, I don't really want the book edited again, which is what she was suggesting..I just want a bit of advice.  Why does it have to be so expesive?

This is a dream I had about a fortnight before this post, after being offered an edit (unwanted), of my novel for £500.

I dreamed that the house (not this house, another one) was full of young men, all involved in publishing, chiefly editors.  They were here because they wanted to edit my book, and I was trying to placate them with booze.  They were drinking the house dry and getting increasingly drunk, one of them offered to edit the book for £150 for me.  I was pleased with that, but then became preoccupied with the state of the house, which was full of empty bottles and glasses and mess.  I think I invited one of the editors to go and have dinner out or something, so that we could continue our discussions.  They were all young and fairly attractive, one of them a bit like that French actor I clocked for Connor, Sylvain Dieudonne...

Clearly I was not happy about the rampaging greed of editors, shocked at how much they had drunk and how I had no wine left in the cellar.   Clearly I did not want to spend my hard earned cash on an otiose re-edit.

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