Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Friday, 4 November 2016

Ghost in the Machine

Sometimes, you plunge along, rather uninspired, but you do it anyway.   Sometimes you just say something to someone and unleash a deluge.

I've just unleashed a deluge of stories - from a man I know slightly - and now I have undertaken to ghostwrite his book... weird.  I wonder if it will get anywhere.  He is incredibly excited about it, while I am feeling my usual jaded self.  He is 55 and has done a lot of drug-related activities and a lot of illegal stuff.  I foresee problems, but I also am faintly excited, since I think I have a latter day Howard Marks on my hands.

The reason he is excited is because he is currently unemployed and full time carer for his Dad, so his life is pretty dull, and he has been thinking about writing up his adventures for some years, so I seem like a gift from heaven.   I also know that Mark and others will sigh and throw their hands up and say "It's another Tony!" "You and your lame ducks!"

I just hope he's got enough material for a book - we need 50k at least.  I am hoping I can write this alongside my other projects.  I expect so, it's basically editing, so shouldn't interfere.

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