Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Saturday, 21 January 2012

And writing

Another 4,000 words in the last few days - feeling happy.  Fortunately most of the jokes in the book are for me alone - I don't think anyone else would understand them, so no one can be offended by them.

The writing is going well - just difficult and challenging enough for me to enjoy - I do have to stop and think - and that's good, I enjoy that.  I have cast Alan Rickman as Leo - it's an interesting idea, if one has a physical idea in one's mind one can write towards it.... it allows one to incorporate bits of how one imagines the person might be - or bits of roles one has seen them in.   I've never done this before - but it seems to work.  It came out of the "Who would play..... in a film of the book..." This does not mean I am anticipating selling the film rights any time soon - but one thinks of all the possibilities... I think getting a contract with an agent would be a step in the right direction.   She is evidently still thinking about Conscience - a bit awkward if she's also finding it a bit of a conundrum.

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