Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

A hard day's write... 1

Spent yesterday reading TRF and highlighting what I might keep, discarding bits, highlighting other bits I was damned if I was going to throw away - the "darlings" that writers are always told to kill!   I expect a lot of them won't make the cut in the end.  

My concept of the new version of TRF hasn't changed much - it's just a matter of refining the synopsis/outline and praying that Agent likes it...I keep thinking of new refinements - in fact it's great - because after all I went on thinking about love after I finished the book  - and now I can add all those new ideas.

The only trouble is, while I was in the middle of the cutting, I felt slightly dizzy with what had to be done: a sense of being ensnared in the whole thing.  However, I know rationally that there is a good new structure and that I can make it work.  It's a matter of refining the many ideas that are arising as I work on it.

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