Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Retreat to write

I went on a retreat to Minster Abbey, the local convent, last week.  It is not meant to be a "writers' retreat" - and in fact I was chiefly retreating from the endless demands made on me.  It was bliss - despite some quibbles (the table in my room was too small for an open notebook and a laptop).  There was no internet access, which I thought was wonderful.

I realised how much time I spend fussing about with internet-related things - and listening to Radio 4.  Without these distractions I was able to write a great deal of Conscience, including a totally new section (which may be the beginning of the next book).  I also read a great deal - some research, some for pleasure. It seems that it has helped me become a bit more disciplined about my writing now - unfortunately I returned home to a great many domestic tasks - we have students staying this week, and an American graduate student coming today - so the idea of writing properly today is a bit of a dream.   However, I now have about 63,000 words - and realised if I could do about 2,000 per day I could probably "finish" the first draft by the middle of the month.  Now my major niggle is whether to turn it into 2 books or 3... people do like a nice trilogy - but.... I feel the middle book might be a bit thin unless I expanded some of the other characters' stories a bit.

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