Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Monday, 18 February 2013


I used to write poetry, when I was a teenager - some of it was good, even my mother, usually my sternest critic, said so. I wrote it chiefly during the emotional Sturm und Drang that enveloped me from about 16 to 19.  When I got to university I wrote a little, but once I met James, my first husband, things settled down and the mood no longer came upon me.  It was about that time that some of it got published in the university literary mag... as always, at the first hint of success I down tools and go off and find something else to do.

Nowadays I live in terror of the question "Would you like to read some of my poetry?" - although I do know two excellent poets (Simon Darragh and Sue Rose) who I would read any time - because most amateur poetry is pretty dreadful and I find it hard to compose my face in a suitable expression when I have to read something which either rhymes like a greeting card, with sentiments to match, or doesn't rhyme, but has no discernible poetic qualities either.

Anyway - yesterday "by special request" I wrote my first poem for over 30 years - it's a haiku, an epitaph on a distant friend (a friend once removed?) who was an international environmentalist, supporter of communities and all round loveable, charismatic and inspiring person.  He died horribly "young" - i.e. about 57.  I thought it was good - the recipient thought it was "very good" so I shall put it here, to rest until someone needs it.

Roger Hammond

A good life, inspired
By nature, the whole world seen,
Loved and upheld, changed.

Perhaps there should be a book of haiku epitaphs.  Or maybe I should go and stick it on the memorial website.

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