Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Ballyalban Fairy Fort

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Writing and real life

Having had a really interesting, blog-worthy evening last night, when I woke up this morning all I wanted to do was write something to add to TRF.  I suppose this is the classic thing - a night carousing in one's unconscious mind brings forth more interesting thoughts and connections than a great many conscious experiences... but I was making connections last night.  I wondered for example whether it would be permissible for a young Edwardian clergyman to sing Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes at a musical evening.  I think probably not - but might be acceptable for David to sing it privately to Kitty - to woo her a little?

For the last nearly four years - when I began to write most of the time - I've felt a strange disconnect between my conscious, planning brain, and  my unconscious which seems to have over flowed its normal boundaries, and to be rising up to the top of the seawall...I live far more than ever in the unconscious - and sometimes real life is a bit of a strain.   Last Friday for example, we went to Marine Studios for an exhibition and talk - it took a while before I could adjust - when asked how I was I replied "a bit weird actually" - and I really couldn't engage properly (needed 2 glasses of wine in fact), but when I told Mike, the potter this, he just gave me a great big hug and somehow that grounded me again... almost immediately we found a topic of conversation and normal service was resumed.

Does/can we rely on physical contact like that to jolt us out of where we are?  I think perhaps, as with hiccups, it has to be a surprise.  If M came over to me and tried to hug me to distract me from working I don't think the response would be so positive.  I hate the fuzziness that comes these days - I don't feel as if I am doing much new thinking - I over-rely on the intuitive side of the brain, the rational is under-exercised (I don't think Sudoku counts).

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